Happy 2024!

2024 Calendars are still available at lotsasmilesphoto.etsy.com!

Can you believe it??  I actually forgot to post this yesterday!  I feel so silly; I hope you’ll forgive me.

I also did not post as much to Instagram this week as I had originally intended.  As you know, I’m moving away from Instagram and more toward 500px – though I didn’t post much there this week, either.  Summertime gets really busy!

Considering this shift in platform, I’m thinking about changing the name of these weekly recaps.  Do you think I should call them “This Week on 500px” (TWO5)?  Or should I come up with something more creative?  I welcome your thoughts below!

As for the photos that did make it out this week, here they are:

First, this is an image from home.  I found the swirling and blurred patterns in the sand fascinating.  They delighted me so much that I didn’t mind getting my feet wet in the damp sand.

Light and dark patterns in the wet sand on the Oregon Coast | LotsaSmiles Photography

Next on the list is a calming Hawaiian scene.  This was from one of our last nights there.  I learned one never grows weary of the golden sun and the monotonous music of ocean waves.  Ah, life is just so much simpler on the beach.

Sunset through the silhouette of a tree on the Hawaiian coast | LotsaSmiles Photography

I just realized I have a coastal theme going this week!  This next was from my post last week, a “wow” from this Norwegian fjord.  The reflections were so perfect there, and I couldn’t get enough of the vibrant colors.  You can read more about this photo right here.

A hill in Norway, beautifully reflected in a perfectly still fjord | LotsaSmiles Photography

Finally, my favorite this week also happens to be a favorite of my sister’s.  In fact, she loved this one so much she asked me to print it for her.  This was taken at Two Step, also in Hawaii.  Most folks at the beach didn’t realize this little guy was hanging out in this pool.  I fortunately had my underwater casing handy for my little commuter camera; I was thrilled to capture him in this pristine pocket.  And I love that adorable little face!

Sea turtle underwater in a seaside lagoon | LotsaSmiles Photography

You’re welcome to follow me on either platform, and I would love to hear what you think of this week’s set in the comments below.  Which is your favorite image?  Have you been to any of these places, yourself?

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    1. Thank you! I’m glad you like them! Sea turtles are so fun to photograph. They’re cute, they have so many fascinating details, and they move slowly for my camera! 😀

      1. i got to see baby sea turtles hatch when i was like ten and i had a super cheap film camera that captured a very terrible photo… lol i can imagine with my better camera now it would be way more fun!

      2. Wow!! I would LOVE to see a sea turtle hatching! That must have been an incredible experience.

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